lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015

Referencias legislativas en Educación Primaria

En esta parte de la asignatura vamos a estudiar unas nociones básicas de derecho que nos ayudarán a comprender el marco legislativo en el que se desarrolla la Educación Primaria en España y que servirán de base para la elaboración de la Unidad Didáctica .

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Language Functions

To end up this part of the subject devoted to the study of language usage, we are going to deal with Language Functions. They usually include fixed expressions, utterances or phrases ready-to-use to achieve a specific communicate purpose: expressing regret, making offers and invitations, asking permission, apologizing, guessing, showing preferences, greetings and so on. In order to introduce this topic, you can have a look at the Vocabulary and Functional Language handout (page 6) and Communicative English and Language Functions . In the presentation Language Functions in English, you can find many useful vocabulary and functional language examples. Finally, you can make some practice on Language Functions in exercise 1 and exercise 2 .